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Twenty-Two Faces, by Judy Byington

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As the only known survivor-intended-victim of a human sacrificial ceremony, Jenny Hill is living proof that ritual abuse is, in fact, a reality. With great courage and in open defiance of her sadistic abusers, Jenny wishes her story told. The ending will shock you.
- Sales Rank: #971286 in Books
- Published on: 2012-05-15
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.02" h x .87" w x 5.98" l, 1.20 pounds
- Binding: Perfect Paperback
- 428 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
87 of 119 people found the following review helpful.
A Story Of Courage and Strength
By PL Goodwin
First, let's look at some facts.
A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds. More than five children die every day as a result of child abuse. Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of 4. It is estimated that between 50-60% of child fatalities due to maltreatment are not recorded as such on death certificates. More than 90% of juvenile sexual abuse victims know their perpetrator in some way. Child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education. About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the horrible cycle of abuse. About 80% of 21 year old that were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological disorder. The estimated annual cost of child abuse and neglect in the United States for 2008 is $124 billion. (
A total of 2,039 suspects were prosecuted for Federal sex offenses in 2006, representing about 2.5% of the 83,148 suspects prosecuted in Federal courts. The main sex exploitation offense referred to U.S. attorneys shifted from sex abuse (73%) in 1994 to child pornography (69%) in 2006. Convicted sex offenders sentenced to prison increased from 81% in 1996 to 96% in 2006. (Bureau of Justice
According to the World Health Organization, up to 53,000 children are murdered worldwide each year. 1.8 million are involved in prostitution or pornography and 1.2 million have been trafficked. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Administration for Children & Families. Child Maltreatment 2011.)
Fact: 797,500 children (younger than 18) were reported missing in a one year period of time in America, resulting in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing EACH DAY. (The Center for Missing and Exploited Children 2012).
Abused children all learn early to keep their mouths shut. They are told that they will not be believed, that their friends, siblings or families will die if they tell, etc.
Those who do survive adapt through various ways: dissociation, acceptance, daydreaming, denial.
Those who die are never able to tell their story.
Those who live through the abuse either bury the memories through dissociation, become abusers themselves, or live in fear of their abusers.
Dissociative Identity Disorder remains a recognized disorder (DSM-IV-TR - American Psychiatric Association).
Once in awhile a brave survivor does tell their story of abuse. In the face of adversity - the skeptics, the abusers, the pedophiles - all there waiting to pounce, to create the very reality of her biggest fear - 'no one will believe you'..
Jenny Hill is one of those survivors. This book tells her life as not only an abused child, but a survivor. It is not an easy story to read - nor, easy to believe. As a society, we want so desperately to hold onto the belief that there is some semblance of humanity in every parent - even in every abuser. In this case, there is not.
The book begins with Jenny Hill's dedication to the child she witnessed being murdered, "may those screams give children of abuse courage to break their silence." Reading this, all survivors 'hear' the screams of fear inside of the constant threat, "Don't tell." Jenny then shares a poem of her healing journey. The foreword is written by Colin A. Ross, M.D., acclaimed writer and researcher - writing over 130 professional papers and 17 books o this subject. Next, we meet the 22 alters of Jenny Hill, how and when they were formed and their jobs to keep the child alive.
From there, we move into the body of the book, the chapters divided 'journal style' beginning when Jenny Hill was age 5 until she is age 27. It begins in a narrative style, descriptive of the young 5 year old struggling to keep track of time, as she is being r*ped by her father, as well as two neighbor boys who live down the street - they later arrested for their activities. She is then put through brainwashing by a man she describes as Dr. Green in preparation for a Black Sabbath type ceremony where she recalls many people watching. Here horrible abuse is described as well as the murder of a young, kidnapped girl.
As we read, we realize that no one could process much less bear this amount of continuous and painful trauma. Jenny 'adapts' to the drama by dissociating the experiences - dividing them between different alters. The author, Judy Byington, M.S.W., L.C.S.W does a good job describing Jenny's life as a multiple, as she struggles with lost time and identity confusion which causes her loss of employment, moving in and out of dangerous relationships and years of more abuse.
During all of this, Jenny continues to try to reconnect with her sexually abusive father and emotionally abusive mother - one of the saddest parts of the book - the reality that everyone 'needs' the love of parents, the thought that possibly they 'really' do care, despite the abuse. Jenny's father does allow her to come back, but only for his benefit - to make sure that his daughter remains silenced through the brainwashing.
She is finally institutionalized during a job interview when her switching became evident to her interviewer. This is one of the most interesting parts of the book, where journals she wrote while there are shared. And, she begins to remember the abuse. She leave the hospital after about a year's stay.
Byington then gives us an overview of the book, as well as valuable resources about mind control, satanic ritual abuse, and dissociative identity disorder. Studies include neurological explanations of how the brain reacts to brainwashing an trauma as well as to why dissociated memories are so clear. She questions, in this day and age and with so much available evidence, why anyone would continue to defend a stand that satanic ritual abuse, brainwashing, and dissociative identity disorder doesn't exist. Lastly, we read about the author who leaves us with some 60+ sources.
This book 'is' an example of a girl - Jenny Hill - beyond courageous. She was able to find the identity of the girl whose murder she witnessed. She now spends her time helping others in any way that she can. She is not a girl out to make a buck on a book. Any survivor would tell you that it just isn't worth it.
When you finish this book, it is obvious that the purpose of writing this book is to inform the public - open some eyes - to the horrible abuse that happens. To hear the cries of the survivors who have the courage to break their silence.
I am one of those survivors also - and, thank you for reading this and understanding the plight that we all face.
11 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
Open your minds
By Amazon Customer
I find the unbelievers and skeptics more dangerous than the perpetrators of these acts. You only allow these horrid things to go on by not accepting that they are real. As for the Dr Phil show, read this letter written by Jenny to the show which states the author of the book was never her therapist. So many negative reviews for the wrong reasons are amazing to read. Here is the letter:
Open Letter to Dr. Phil From Jenny Hill
Judy Byington and I have been close friends for 20 years. She has been my confidant and dearest friend. She and her husband have adopted me as part of their family and I feel they are my family. I trust Judy completely. She listens to me when I hurt and need consolation. Judy has given me her time, love, acceptance, money, food, bought me glasses, clothing and on occasions even provided me a place to live.
At no time has she ever tried to take advantage of me. Without Judy’s love and concern over the years I might not be alive today.
Judy has not been my therapist as they said on the Dr. Phil show. I have a therapist at Wasatch Mental Health. My other therapist was Dr. Weston Whatcott at the Utah State Psychiatric Hospital who was one of a team of mental health professionals who diagnosed me with Multiple Personality Disorder now known as Dissociate Identity Disorder. That was ten years before I met Judy.
Early in my life I decided I wanted to have my biography written to help other victims of the horrible abuse I suffered as a child. I asked Judy to write my biography. It was my decision to deliberately bring some of my parts forward so Judy could meet them. Last August at the request of producers at the Dr. Phil show, Judy and I taped my alters taking over.
I understand that after the Dr. Phil show aired some people may have the impression that I would not receive a profit from the sale of my biography,”Twenty-Two Faces.” That is not true.
I am fully capable of making my own decisions and if I wanted to set up a bank account for monies received from the sales of my book I could and would do so. It has been my decision not to set up an account at this time. Judy and I haven’t talked much about profits from the book because it has yet to make a profit. I have told Judy I don’t want to make money off “Twenty-Two Faces” but wish my share of profits to go toward helping victims of ritual abuse. That has been the goal of both Judy and myself since we started writing the book 20 years ago. It’s not about the money. It’s about being able to help ritual abuse survivors.
Another concern has been the contract I signed with Judy giving her copyright to my story. I agreed to sign the contract knowing this was because our literary agent required my and Judy’s literary, electronic and film rights to the story in order to present the book to publishers. I made this decision myself, knowing exactly what I was doing. I took my time to think and pray about this and when I signed the agreement I did so of my own volition and was not manipulated into doing it.
I also want to make it clear that I have multiple personalities or DID. Most of the time I am in complete control of myself but occasionally one of my alters will take over and do something which I am not aware of. I can’t remember doing it and I can’t help that. I am moving forward with my life one day at a time and making progress.
I understand the following is a statement about me written by my sister Susan. It is taken from my son Robert’s blog on the internet..
“She has confided in me on numerous occasions that Judy Byington has manipulated and used her. I have a recently-recorded phone message from Jenny stating that she does not condone what Judy has done with her life story. She has been repeatedly lied to and has been harassed so much by Judy that her case worker at Wasatch Mental put a restraining order against her (Judy). Jenny complained that she wants some help to get away from Judy so that she might tell her own version, but Judy holds the copyright to her life story, and she (Jenny) legally can’t speak out. ….”
I cannot remember calling Susan and saying these things, nor would I even think of saying something like this.
It is common for me to get depressed. In December I checked myself into inpatient care and told my caseworker that no one was to know where I was including the only two people who I have regular contact with, my son Robert and Judy.
I do not believe Judy has manipulated and used me. I do not believe Judy has ever lied to me. Judy has never harassed me. I did not ask my caseworker to file a restraining order against Judy. I do not want any help to get away from Judy. I certainly do not want to write another version of my story. It took Judy and I 20 years to write “Twenty-Two Faces.” I don’t want to do that again. Judy has never said I can’t speak out about my life story. In fact, Judy encourages me to speak about it and has given me opportunities to do so.
I asked Judy to write my biography. We wrote it together. We outlined what was to be in each chapter and then I wrote out the chapters. Sometimes my alters would take over and write their feelings in the chapters. The book was taken from those writings, those in my diaries and my writings at the Utah State Hospital.
I completely agree with my life history as it is written by Judy in “Twenty-Two Faces.”
I stated on the Dr. Phil show that it was hard for me to read the book. And it is. I read a little bit and then have to put it down because my childhood is very traumatic and reading about it brings back bad memories. That doesn’t mean that I don’t know what’s in my biography because I do. I lived it. I helped write it.
Because of the time restraints of a TV show like Dr. Phil I didn’t have the opportunity to say everything I wanted to say.
This is my statement and no one else’s.
See my notarized letter of 14 January, 2013 on [...].
80 of 115 people found the following review helpful.
Notice the vast polarity in the reviews, this is common
By Mikhayla
Here is a study you can do on your own. Research any book with the topic of ritual abuse on Amazon. You will find that in virtually every case the reviews are extremely polarized. I have found that"debunkers" are not beyond lying about the content of the books, especially the very first memoir, "Michelle Remembers". This is because there is an active propaganda effort to discount the existance of ritual abuse. The organization responsible for ritual abuse has "Top Secret" resouces, but they are NOT the "global elite". Jenny Hills story is a must read for putting together the facts. The international issue of ritual abuse has consistent features. Dr. Greenbaum is an extremely common "programmer", along with Dr. Mengele and others. Jenny's depiction of Dr. Geenbaum is impecable. These Doctors are Nazi War criminals. There is every reason to believe that ritual abuse is the result of the C.I.A.'s MKULTRA program turned organized crime. It is common for survivors of generational ritual abuse to have parents in the military. If you would like to start the study of "Who Done It" regarding ritual abuse then "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" by John Marks is the absolute ritual abuse 101 first read.
Jenny Hill deserves the greatest respect and admiration. She has survived to tell the tale. She is a POW providing inside information that is vital to our understanding of the organized underground criminal organization that effects us all. The ending explains a great deal about how this organization works. Staging is a common factor in these elaborate rituals. The sacrifical ceremony described by Jenny Hill is a facinating look at staging. There are survivor accounts that have intentionally been published that are no brainer debunkable, and do not even depict ritual abuse, they are an insulting mockery. Jenny Hill's account is not one of them. In fact 22 faces is classic. It is consistant in every way. I highly recommend 22 faces if you are studying ritual abuse.
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