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The Art of Seduction, by Robert Greene

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The season's most talked-about all-purpose personal strategy guide and philosophical compendium," said Newsweek of Robert Greene's bold, elegant, and ingenious manual of modern manipulation, The 48 Laws of Power. Now Greene has once again mined history and literature to distill the essence of seduction, the most highly refined mode of influence, the ultimate power trip.
The Art of Seduction is a masterful synthesis of the work of thinkers such as Freud, Ovid, Kierkegaard, and Einstein, as well as the achievements of the greatest seducers throughout history. From Cleopatra to John F. Kennedy, from Andy Warhol to Josephine Bonaparte, The Art of Seduction gets to the heart of the character of the seducer and his or her tactics, triumphs and failures. The seducer's many faces include: the Siren, the Rake, the Ideal Lover, the Dandy, the Natural, the Coquette, the Charmer, and the Charismatic. Twenty-four maneuvers will guide readers through the seduction process, providing cunning, amoral instructions for and analysis of this fascinating, all-pervasive form of power. Just as beautifully packaged and every bit as essential as The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction is an indispensable primer of persuasion and offers the best lessons on how to take what you want from whomever you want or how to prevent yourself from being taken.
- Sales Rank: #286821 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Viking
- Published on: 2001-10-01
- Released on: 2001-10-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.42" h x 1.35" w x 6.86" l,
- Binding: Hardcover
- 496 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
From Library Journal
Touted as a "handbook on the most subtle and effective form of power" and "an indispensable primer on how to take what you want from whomever you want," this book is more than a little creepy. Following on the heels of his 48 Laws of Power, this book continues Greene's gross exploration of social power, this time in the realm of sexual politics. In Part 1, Greene, again paired with "packager" Joost Elffers (Play with Your Food), offers a straight-faced description of the nine types of seductive character, from the "Ideal Lover" to the "Rake." Elffers's contribution comes in the form of numerous quotes by famous contemporary and historical figures tucked into the side margins. Part 2 examines the process of seduction, subdivided into four phases, with chapter headings such as "Master the Art of Insinuation" and "Isolate the Victim." This book will have real appeal for power mongers, gold diggers, and heartless manipulators everywhere. Books such as Beverley East's Finding Mr. Write (LJ 5/1/00) and Jama Clark's What the Hell Do Women Really Want? (Island Flower, 1997) offer advice on the same subject without the distasteful exploitative emphasis. David Valencia, King Cty. Lib. Syst., WA
Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.
From Booklist
Greene is the author of The 48 Laws of Power (1998), a compilation of quotes from throughout history that prescribe methods of obtaining and wielding power. He now adds seduction to the mix of stratagems for those who feel the need to scheme to get what they want. Given the popularity of so-called reality-based television programs, it is clear there is a large audience of such people. Greene, again providing quotes on his topic from philosophers, scientists, playwrights, and novelists, examines "the achievements of the greatest seducers throughout history" and profiles 10 seductive archetypes. Although the tactics Greene advises may be distasteful to some, his literary survey is fascinating. As was Greene's previous work, this one is billed as "A Joost Elffers Production." Elffers is identified--with no hint of embarrassment--as a book "packager." A "quote" from a Newsweek review of The 48 Laws is used to hype the new book, though the actual article in which the quote appeared challenged Greene's credentials as an editor and playwright and offered only lukewarm praise. David Rouse
Copyright � American Library Association. All rights reserved
'What Greene does so masterfully is take us on a fascinating trip into the psyches of the great seducers and offer a wealth of strategies for those who might like to dabble in the murky waters of manipulation themselves. One by one he exposes the techniques of behaviour control used by and against all of us in every area of our lives from business to bedroom. But it is when he explores the scheming psyche of the sexual predator that he is at his most compelling.' Daily Mail 'It unearths the two sides of seduction: the characters and the process. The book prepares you for the ultimate seduction: your boss.' Fran Cutler, the Daily Express
Most helpful customer reviews
460 of 484 people found the following review helpful.
The Art of Seduction: more than manipulation
By Reader
Hmm. I feel like a lot of the negative reviews (my focus) are caught up in labeling this book somehow misogynistic and manipulative at its core. And I certainly agree to an extent: the language that Greene uses is definitely suggestive of manipulation and in many ways focuses on upsetting the power balances that naturally occur in relationships. But I think that those who focus on this point entirely are very cynical. In our modern age, we have lost touch with art. We have lost touch with patience. Even writing this review was a matter of pointing, clicking - and I am running more on a general feeling here than I am attempting to make careful points.
So, to answer to those who labeled this book dangerous, misogynistic, manipulative, superficial, etc., I'd like to make a few points. Greene is careful to explain that "the art of seduction" originates in the feminine mystique, and that men have adopted it because they recognize the great power that it holds. So, good job ladies. Sure, society still has a ways to go in order to truly honor any REAL notion of equality between genders, but if you see a man reading this book, it is because he is trying to master the art that originated in the depths, mysteriousness and natural power of femininity. (And besides, how difficult is it to seduce most men? Many of us are simple creatures.) The arguments about misogyny also seem to originate in our societal attitudes towards sex - but this book is not about how to get laid. Certainly, sexual interactions play a role in seduction, but this book is more about how to win people over.
Now, the manipulative part. The language in this book certainly suggests that manipulation is really they key to seduction. Greene labels the seduced "victims" and "targets", etc. But here's the thing, in my humble opinion: our society is excessively individualistic. We have all been socialized to think of how to "get what we want". And look at the TREMENDOUS deficit in emotional capital that we find in Western society... This book does not talk about seduction in terms of magically forcing people to do what you want. It talks about LEARNING HOW TO FULFILL THE NEEDS OF OTHERS in order to GREATLY increase your personal seductive allure. According to Greene (and for the sake of argument only) seduction is about learning to be more focused on the other person than ourselves. It is a reality that EVERY last one of us has needs, and to a large extent it would seem that altruism is an ideal that is beyond the grasp of humanity as a whole. Period. Whether it is a woman chasing security, or a man seeking gratification, we ALL have needs that long to be fulfilled. Those whom Greene labels as the MOST anti-seductive are the people who think exclusively of their own needs. What if your need is to find the woman of your dreams, and because of your deep love, keep her in your life? Well, this book suggests ways to keep the mystery and spark that we ALL love in a relationship alive and burning. Are there people out there with far shallower needs than are bred by the lofty ideals of love? Absolutely, most of us included (if we really take a good look at ourselves in the mirror). The manipulative language in this book, is perhaps, an effort by Greene to seduce the reader. He appeals to our self interest by labeling those we wish to seduce as targets and victims, and then proceeds to teach us how to step into the mind and heart of that "victim" in order to find creative ways to fulfill the desires of that person. What you do with that knowledge and power will determine whether you are a manipulative scumbag/gold-digger, or a person who is simply trying to improve your social interactions with NOT ONLY the gender of your preference, but people in general.
What I was most struck by in this book was the chapter on "the Anti-Seducer". This chapter really forced me to look at some of my behaviours and to realize, that ultimately, I am acting a large part of the time out of selfishness. My failures in the relationship realm come down to selfishness. But Greene has helped me understand where that selfishness is simply a real need to move forward with my life, or an utter inability to empathize with others. I would venture that most of us have problems with recognizing the distinction in ourselves and others' behaviours.
The book is easy to read and intriguing, and surprisingly enough seems to work. It's a long read, so I would recommend taking notes on anything you find particularly interesting for your own review at a later date, just as a refresher. That's enough of my windbaggery! Hope you all find what you're looking for.
684 of 805 people found the following review helpful.
Not for the faint of heart.
By Mark McDonald
If you are just looking for a good book to help you get laid with minimal effort, then put this book down. There are books that are much easier and will get you results much faster. This book is not about getting easy pussy at a bar or strip joint. It is about helping a person fall deeply in love with you, and this is better. A person in lust for you is wild and not concerned about you. A person in love with you will go to the ends of the earth for you.
If you have very little background in psychology and/or philosophy, put this book down because you're not ready to understand it yet. It is an incredible book and I hope you don't get turned off because you're not prepared to read it.
If you are a die hard, conservative Christian moralist who is happy with their life and belief system, then PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE put this book down. Your beliefs will change to some extent, I promise, regardless of how strong you think they are. And if they don't you'll just be filled with dissonant emotions when you really understand what the Bible means when it says the world can be a terrible place.
On the other hand, if you are intelligent, observant, and patient then this is just simply an incredible read. You will see everything in this world with a new outlook. It will teach you the most intricate workings of human nature. Human nature is dark. Consider the following two biological facts:
1. A woman is likely to retain more sperm when she has an orgasm during sex.
2. A man's sperm is designed to kill the sperm of other men.
What does this mean? Women have been biologically hardwired to seek one man (the Alpha male) to be the sperm donor and to seek out another to raise the kid (the Beta male). Sorry folks, nature is just that dark. And this book has exactly the same kind of dark twists. It explains what makes people fall for other people, even if it is not so pure and wholesome. And though it is dark, it still is true, and there is beauty in truth.
This book will teach you how to play other people's emotions. This is a very important thing to learn. One cannot survive in this world without these skills. The most important thing people must realize about this book is that what is containes here is a dual edged sword. It most certainly can be used for evil. It does teach manipulation. But it also a book that can be used for good. With this kind of knowledge one can keep their partner happy for life. A seducer is a benevolent manipulator by definition.
For instance, if the seducer is really interested in mutual benefit, much useful learning will take place. A woman will learn that the most powerful way to keep her man happy is to be a sexual woman and a fun playmate. She will learn how to keep things spiced up with a few masculine psychological traits to appeal to masculine narcissism, deepen a man's love by giving him the gift of missing her. A man will learn how important it is to let his woman know how much he desires her and will also keep things spiced up with styling. Men and women can both learn how to keep people happy by being nondefensive and natural, to psychologically enrich others by being charismatic and charming, and to give and receive love as ideal lovers. And I've seen how much people who embody the psychological traits of the anti-seducer are despised by other people. The anti-seducer leaves people feeling diminished and hurt.
To summarize, it's hard, it's dark, and it can be used to wreak havoc in the lives of others. But most people don't want to hurt others. They want to live, and help other people live, better, happier more enriched lives in all ways. I truly believe that with the knowledge that is in this book, people can accomplish just that.
Use it wisely, young Jedi. The dark side of the force is much more seductive.
55 of 64 people found the following review helpful.
Brilliant and Highly Effective, Yet Left Me Feeling Empty
By crescendoyear
The Art of Seduction is a read like no other: it fascinates and entices in ways few books are capable of. It is not a book on how to get laid; at its core, it is a guide for the most effective forms of manipulation, a series of social strategies that, if used correctly, will leave ANY person at your mercy. Don’t mistake that last statement for some gushing hyperbole. I’m not some Brian Greene fanboy or something. It’s just true: the strategies actually work.
But do you really, deep down, want them to work? Your immediate response is probably a resounding YES. You probably have in mind a particular person that you’ve been crushing on for some time, and you’re utterly ecstatic at the thought of being able to finally have that person. And the truth is, this book is going to teach you how, and if you follow the strategies correctly, you absolutely will have that person. But, and this is a HUGE “but,” do you think, that after all your cunning, all your deceit and manipulation and games, that you will even be excited to finally have that person? How can you respect, or be in awe, or be in love with someone you’ve deliberately sought out to deceive? How can you be amazed by a person who fell for a trick? And more importantly, how can you trust yourself beyond that point? You must be prepared to face these sorts of questions while reading this book, because despite how much I may have enjoyed reading it, I felt hallow, even depressed, after finishing it.
I suppose all of us are manipulative to some extent, and seduction can even be refracted as a pleasurable form of it; but the extent to which this book suggests one should be manipulative is plain scary, not to mention depressing. I know what some of you are thinking: there’s just no way that this book could be so effective so as to turn you into such a cunning and manipulative monster. As you read The Art of Seduction, though, you will most likely recognize many of the strategies adumbrated in the text: send mixed signals, never be predictable, speak in vague and ambiguous language, never be completely real, charm the other person by reflecting them back to themselves, create a wound in the person that only you can heal, etc. Every single one of these tactics are remarkably effective: You and I know they are, because we’ve either done them, or have had them done to us.
I’m gay and in my late 20s, and unfortunately, the gay scene is typically a lot more superficial and deceptive than the straight scene. (I could be wrong about that, straight people can be superficial and manipulative too of course). Some guys I’ve talked to never, ever, revealed an ounce of their true character to me; honestly though, I didn’t care, because I just wanted their bodies. (We’re all adults here right? I’m going to be brutally honest with you in this review). The feeling was mutual, and I, likewise, didn’t reveal an ounce of my true character either. It was all fun, all play, all a big game. I suppose in these circumstances—where both parties are merely interested in sex—the “game” is excusable, vital even. That’s what it’s all about, really. But this book establishes an even more sinister purpose: how to get someone to be deeply in love with you, to follow you wherever you go, and to be totally at your mercy.
And that’s its fundamental problem. Are you going to be comfortable and happy with the person you become? I’ve had incredible success employing the strategies in this book. Like, truly incredible success, so much that I can hardly believe. But I’ve never felt more empty and alone. I’ve never experienced so much dissonance with myself. On top of all that, the person that you finally are able to possess becomes all the less special and amazing to you. Your proclivity for boredom will intensify exponentially.
Ok, wait, it can’t be that bad right? The truth is, I was already subconsciously aware of many of these tactics, and I employed them to my advantage quite often: the only difference though, was that I did them mostly unknowingly. Many of us just have characteristics that are naturally seductive I suppose. But now that I “get it,” now that I know EXACTLY what to do, and have seen that it works, I’m afraid of who I could become.
This brings me to the summation of my review: don’t read this book. If you absolutely can’t resist, then at least do this: before reading, determine your moral boundaries. Be absolutely certain of who you are, what you value about others. Make sure you are perfectly, and I mean perfectly, in touch with your moral center. If not, you have no idea what you may become. I would also recommend eliminating at least a few of the strategies: pick the ones that strike you as the most immoral and deceitful, and refrain from ever using them.
The book though, on its own, is undoubtedly brilliant, maybe even a work of genius. Greene is incredibly clever, and the language is beautiful and seductive in its own right. The concepts and writing style have a deep, almost literary flavor to them, which makes it all the more enjoyable to read. The only place where Greene messed up in my opinion, is how he left out a possible final topic: I feel like he should’ve had one more chapter to discuss the effects that these strategies will inexorably have on the manipulator. It almost feels immature, even a little sophomoric to not cover this territory. I suppose though, that would’ve been contrary to the very ethos of this book. Don’t read it: it’s not worth the emptiness it elicits. If you must read it, please do so with the uttermost caution.
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